The first time was on Iceland. The Icelandians, or whatever they are called, are lucky to have hot water spurting from the depths of the earth, for free! And good for the environment. The downside is that the water is full of sulphur that reeks of rotten eggs. So after you take a shower you stink like a skunk. I guess they Icelandians dont notice because everyone reeks. A little bit like two people that had garlic.
The second time was last week in Moscow, when I took a shower after some repairs on the water mains. Normally they do this in the summer, when the hot water is switched off in every apartment in Moscow for two to three weeks.
I only realized how dirty the water was after it left some horrible residue in the bathtub. During the press conference to which I had to run there were pieces of iron falling from my hair. Metal dandruff.
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